
Reconnect with your Brothers and chapter

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Do you have interest in working with the chapter as a volunteer or mentor? We’re always looking for alumni to support the chapter.

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Visit myPhiDelt to utilize our brother search and connect with fellow Phis.

A Message from Our Alumni Volunteer

During my time at the University of Kentucky, I served as a tour guide where I took groups through campus explaining the university and why they should choose UK to continue their education. My favorite stop on the tour was outside of the William T. Young library where I would stress the importance of campus involvement. Even being from Lexington, it turned out I didn’t know anything about UK when I started college, other than we won a lot of basketball games. The decision to join Phi Delta Theta Fraternity was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made, and I believe changed the trajectory of not only my college experience but the rest of my life.
My Phi Delt brothers were always there for me in college as I faced the challenges and obstacles that are inevitable during those years. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve continued to stay close with many of my brothers. I’ve stood by their side as they marry the love of their life, watched them become fathers, and establish themselves in their careers & communities. The importance of a strong support group in your life can’t be stressed enough and that is exactly what you’ll find if you choose to join our organization.
The chapter advisory board is a committed group of alumni, not only from UK but a variety of schools that provide guidance and assistance to the chapter. It is my honor to serve as Chair of this group and I look forward to helping continue the great legacy of our organization.